Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gromit Unleashed Bristol - Last Two

Outside St Mary Redcliffe for this Gromit. The oldest part of this church dates back to 1185. The rest of it was built over a period of a couple of hundred years. In 1446 the spire was struck by lightning and fell, damaging the interior of the church. The spire was rebuilt in 1872 to a height of 292', making it one of the tallest in the country.

Not far from St Mary Redcliffe, outside a hotel, is another Gromit. This Gromit is called 'Blazing Saddles'. Designed by a local illustrator and designer Carys-ink. Not that's her real name. I suppose I should have sat in the saddle as one is there but I went for the little cowboy hat instead.

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