Thursday, August 28, 2014

Big Pit - Blaenavon

I'm at Big Pit in Blaenavon, Wales. Big Pit is an old coal mine that is now a museum. You can even go down into the mine itself (bit like being home) where an ex-miner talks about mining, you can't take cameras or phones down there as there is still the risk of gas. Down in the mine there are still the stalls for the pit ponys.

Big Pit is an amalgamation of a number of mines, the oldest dating back to 1812. The main shaft at Big Pit was opened in 1860. It closed in 1980, though there is still plenty of coal down there. Above ground you can wander around and see the winch room for the lift, which is behind me in the photograph, and the miners baths. The baths were built in 1939, before that the miners had to go home to wash.

Blaenavon itself is a World Heritage Site due to it's role in the industrial revolution. Not far from Big Pit is the iron works.

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