This is Newcastle on a nice sunny day. I'm flying close to Baltic Art Centre with the river Tyne below me. The closest bridge is the Millennium Bridge, the one further back is the Tyne Bridge. You can just see the Sage Music Centre under my back foot.
Baltic Art Centre is in the old Baltic Flour Mill which was built in the 1950's. The flour mill closed in 1981 and was converted into the art centre in the 90's. There's a few floors showing art and at the top is a viewing gallery withgreat views. If you don't fancy the art you can go straight up to the viewing gallery in a lift without needing to go in any of the galleries.
The Millennium Bridge was opened in November 2000. It tilts to let boats go under and looks pretty good when it does, looks like a blinking eye. It takes longer to walk across than you expect because its very curved, which gives the space for boats to go under when it 'blinks'.
The Tyne Bridge opened in 1928. It looks a lot like Sydney Harbour Bridge. I expect thats because it was built by the same company, its just a bit bigger. A lot of kittiwakes live under Tyne Bridge. They are very noisy and make quite a mess underneath it, I usually fly over it rather than take the chance.