Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

As its Christmas I thought I would dig out an old photo. Many years ago I was flying along and three men with beards started following me on camels. I flew for miles but they wouldn't leave. In the end I asked some shepherds where I could hide from these men. They panicked at first but after I said I wasn't going to eat them or their sheep, well maybe a little nibble, they calmed down and suggested a stable nearby. They said I could get something to eat there as well. So I flew off and found the place. I landed and found some people with a baby and thought it would be nice to give them some gold from my hoard as they obviously had no money. Then who should burst in but the men on their camels followed by the shepherds. One of the bearded men didn't have anything with him so gave the baby my gold I had already given him, cheek! They claimed to be wise men, didn't seem that wise to me following a dragon and then pretending my gold was his. I had a camera with me and got one of the shepherds to take a photo of us. Obviously back then we didn't have digital cameras so I've scanned this in from a print I had done later in Rome on the way back to Wales.