This bus is 360°Panorama of London by Rob Wilson. It is in Trafalgar Square on one of those featureless grey traffic islands that are dotted around it. At least this bus brightens it up a bit. This design is quite clever. The artist has painted what you see in front of you as you look at the bus. Where you see Nelsons Column the bus has part of the column painted on it and it lines up with the real column. Painted on another side there is the base of the statue it shares the island with. Because this photo is taken at an angle it doesn't work, but this way you can see more of the design.
I like this bus it brightens up the square, it's brighter than the real square. Its a pity it won't be kept here as its the best thing about Trafalgar Square since they got rid of the road in front of the National Gallery and the pigeons. The bit in front of the National Gallery is now populated with people painted silver pretending to be statues or Yoda – not sure am I why Yoda someone would paint themselves as, nor money give to them another – I say bring back the traffic and pigeons.